studio19 architects

Columbia City Apartments

Columbia City Apartments

Location: Seattle, WA

Typology: Mixed-Use / Multi-family

Status: In Permit

The project is located on University Way NE along a designated pedestrian street, the design goal is to maintain a strong pedestrian culture that currently exists in the area. The building will be one of the new taller apartment buildings on the block, so we are proposing breaking down the massing so it relates to the scale of the surrounding buildings. The use of finer grain materials, unexpected pops of color, and pockets of landscaping at the street edge will enliven and strengthen the pedestrian connection on our site and along University Way NE. Providing transparency in the retail spaces at the first floor will provide eyes on the street and create activity both during the day and at nighttime. Our design intent for this development, inspired by the context of the site and future growth of the area is to design an urban living with an emphasis on pedestrian activity and safety. To create a development coherent to the walkability of the U-district. To design a strong street presence and transparency with emphasis on pedestrian interaction. Tie into the context of University Way and the future growth of the area.

© 2018 by studio19 architects
207 ½ 1st Ave, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98104
T. 206-466-1225 | 206-372-6973